ALL in website and CRM options

ALL-In options and possibilities

Functionalities and options that can be used in the website and CRM

Opties Excellent
Helpdesk & Support
Huur / Koop / BOG
Formulier antwoorden bekijken
SSL Verbinding
AVG Ready
Cookie policy
Teksten & Afbeeldingen aanpassen
Afbeeldings editor X
Stock foto's (gratis) X
Landingspagina's aanmaken X
50+ website talen mogelijk X
SEO instellingen X X
Blog X X
Lead generator X X
Templates X X
Widgets X X
Mailchimp X X
Yelp beoordelingen X X
Mollie betaalkoppeling X X
Whatsapp koppeling X X
Facebook feed X X
Bel ons direct bellen knop X X
Zonnezijde bij ieder object X X
Feedbackcompany intergratie X X
Matterport intergratie bij objecten X X
Bezichtiging planner X X
Google review intergratie X X
€29,95 €39,95 €59,95

LET OP : Alle prijzen zijn per maand en worden gehanteerd met een jaarcontract. Dit contract kan alleen worden afgesloten als via Eazlee een website is ontwikkeld met de Pararius Office koppeling.


Pararius Office link
Rent / Buy / BOG
Speech NL & ENG Pararius Office
Pararius Office Forms
View form answers
Adjust texts & images
Image editor
Stock photo's (free)
Create landing pages
50 website languages possible


Please note: All prices are per month and are based on an annual contract. This contract can only be concluded if a website has been developed via Eazlee with the Pararius Office link.
Start met Eazlee


Pararius Office link
Rent / Buy / BOG
Speech NL & ENG Pararius Office
Pararius Office Forms
View form answers
Adjust texts & images
Image editor
Stock photo's (free)
Create landing pages
50 website languages possible
SSL Verbinding
AVG Ready
Cookie policy


Please note: All prices are per month and are based on an annual contract. This contract can only be concluded if a website has been developed via Eazlee with the Pararius Office link.
Start met Eazlee
Best Choice


Pararius Office link
Rent / Buy / BOG
Speech NL & ENG Pararius Office
Pararius Office Forms
View form answers
Adjust texts & images
Image editor
Stock photo's (free)
Create landing pages
50 website languages possible
SSL Verbinding
AVG Ready
Cookie policy
SEO settings
Lead generator
Yelp reviews
Mollie payment link
WhatsApp link
Facebook feed
Call us directly call button


Please note: All prices are per month and are based on an annual contract. This contract can only be concluded if a website has been developed via Eazlee with the Pararius Office link.
Start met Eazlee
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