To make it as easy as possible to get started with your new website, we have developed a help center in which you can easily find all parts of our CMS.
In order to adjust the (new) website, you must log in at the back of the website. After logging in, the dashboard opens, click on edit so that the website can be adjusted.
The site can be adjusted in the site editor environment by moving the mouse over the different parts. Click with the left mouse button on the component to adjust the widget. On the left you can find the different pages and make global adjustments. At the top you can switch between the desktop, tablet and mobile version.
Adjust texts
To adjust the texts on the website, hover the mouse over the text and click on it. A text editor opens after which the text can be adjusted for content, size, color, font, etc. After editing, click the green check mark and the edits have been applied.
Upload & adjust images
To adjust images, click on the image and then the widget options will appear. Click replace, find all images already on the website here or use our free stock photos link by searching for images. Click the upload button to import a photo from your computer, tablet or mobile phone. The image is immediately optimized for Google.
Create page
To create a new page, you can click on pages via the left menu. Then use the "new page" button and create a page. By default, all pages appear directly in the menu. To turn this page into a landing page and remove it from the menu, use the gear icon. Then click on "hide from navigation" where you have the choice to hide the page in the menu of the different devices.
Menu options
By default, all pages appear directly in the menu. To turn this page into a landing page and remove it from the menu, use the gear icon. Then click on "hide from navigation" where you have the choice to hide the page in the menu of the different devices. You can also easily use a dropdown menu.
Build a page yourself
You can build pages and layouts from scratch and express your own ideas. View some of the many options here.
Using template rows
To easily and quickly build beautiful pages or parts of pages, we have pre-designed rows that can be used throughout the site.